Friday 21 August 2015

Post Engagement - Tip #2

Short and in the point is always the best approach with the majority of posts. The Facebook News Feed is a busy place to be - try to make you message and post stand out from the rest!! Your engagement will improve as a result.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Post Engagment - Tip #1

We're always looking for ways to increase our reach and engagement on Social Media aren't we? Just when we think we've found the answer, Facebook changes the goal posts and we have to start again! I'm going to post a series of my best tips over the coming weeks and I hope that trying these will help to increase your engagement on Facebook as well!

Monday 17 August 2015

Another Magic Monday

Another busy week ahead of Facebook Competitions, posting to Facebook, Google+, Instagram and Twitter for various businesses and doing some research on LinkedIn so the bigger the coffee the better I think! What are you focusing on this week?

Friday 14 August 2015

Instagram's Secret Map

I shared this link on our Facebook page last week and with Instagram becoming one of the fastest growing social media platforms for small business I thought it was worth posting here as well. If you're active on Instagram for either your personal life, your business or for both then I'm sure you're mindful of your privacy and protecting this as much as you can. This is a great article on removing the geotags attached to your photos..... I think it's worth spending the time on this one!

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Deciding on the right social media platform/s to use for your business starts with really understanding what each can offer and how to make the most of them for your business. Managing a business' social media accounts can take up a considerable amount of time within the week so it's important to focus on those that will really benefit your business and increase the businesses profile and brand.

The following infographic offers a simple and fun explanation of each of the platforms and how they can be used in business.